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Junmai koshu – Daruma 3 years

 39 btw incl.

  • Brewery: Shiraki Tsunesuke
  • Prefecture: Gifu
  • Type: Junmai, koshu
  • Alc.: 16%
  • SMV: -2
  • Acidity: 3.0
  • Rice: Nihonbare
  • Polishing ratio: 75%
  • Yeast: Unkown
  • Amino Acidity: 1.4
  • Serve temperature: 8-10° or 15-20°C
  • Foodpairing: Wagyu, cherries, aperitif, cheese
  • Net: 500 ml
  • Storage: Cool, dark & upright


Product details


The Shiraki Tsunesuke Brewery was founded in 1835 in Gifu close to the center of Japan.
Near the brewery, there is a beautiful river called the Nagara-gawa, which surrounding environment is rich in nature.

After the Nohi-earthquake, one hundred years ago, the brewery was severely damaged.
Although they had very difficult to overcome the damages, they finally raise back from their ashes, they decided to name their  sake “DARUMA-MASAMUNE”.

This was because the word “DARUMA” (Dharma doll) has a meaning deriving from the shape of the doll, “Although it falls over, it always rises”

In a reference from the Kamakura Era, there is a description of aged Japanese sake, which was matured for three, five or seven years. This matured sake was called “Ko-Shu”, and it was valued highly by the upper-class people.

This 3 year old aged sake is highly recommended for anyone wanting to try younger styles of koshu. It is showing already showing considerable development with aromas of vanilla, raisin, light bone broth, almonds and lightly pickled daikon. The palate is sweet, complex with praline, dried apricot and banana, coffee, chocolate and orange peel. Balanced and easy to drink and with the age this lovely sake becomes darker and more intense.

Daruma Masamune are held in very high regard in the sake world when it come to rich styles of aged sake. They brew sake that is high in umami, amino acid and sweetness and then age in both bottle and large storage tanks at the ambient temperature of the brewery. The temperature fluctuates from near freezing in winter to about 26 degrees celsius in summer and it’s these special conditions that help create the rich and unctuous style of sake that Daruma is reknowned for.


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